A little about me:

Hi, I’m Sherri. I’ve been Small Business Consultant, specializing in behind-the-scenes support services for small business owners nationwide since 1991.

My passion for entrepreneurship, organization, problem solving, business systems and workflows have helped me serve my clients well while also building a sustainable business that’s been full of long-term clients for over 30 years.

There are several benefits to small business owners when they hire me:

  • My services are a tax deduction to a business owner. Yes, you really can claim the services, and workshops I provide as an expense for your taxes.
  • Every service I provide is on an as-needed basis. The benefit is that business owners only pay for the service they need; when they need it.
  • Business owners hire me as an independent contractor. The benefit is that when business owners pay me they don't pay me as an employee; which means there are no payroll taxes, paid days off, or benefits package.
  • I'm a home-based business. The benefit is that my overhead is low; which in turn is the reason I'm able to keep my prices low.
  • My services are always provided behind the scenes, virtually. My workshops and consultations are always provided through Zoom.
  • My contract includes a non-disclosure agreement so no one except my client and I know who I'm working with and what we're working on. All property rights for each project belong to the client.
  • The #PraiseNotes I share from client testimonials are with written consent from the client.
  • Integrity, morals, and a strong work ethic have always served me well in life and business.

All of the above, of course, has not only been a way to benefit my clients, but has also been a way to support myself and my family for over three decades.

A business owner's main priority needs to be generating income for their business.

Assistants, 1099 subcontractors, or W2 employees, are to make sure the day-to-day tasks are accomplished so the owner can do what they do best...create, develop, invent, etc.

That’s where I come in. Supporting small business owners is the reason I began my business. My desire to help them hasn’t changed in over thirty years. My support services allow the small business owner to focus on the most important tasks of any business, the ones that produce revenue.

With me comes over:

  • 30 years of experience as an owner of multiple small businesses
  • 20 years in the medical industry
  • 10 years in the investor accounting industry
  • 15 years in the real estate industry

I've been blessed with long-term clients, some that have been with me since my doors opened for business.

I hope I can add you to the list of long-term business clients.

I've been a Genealogy Researcher since 2012 and have been specializing in Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia genealogy since 2015. Most of my clients hire me for a variety of on-site research projects, from obtaining historical records to providing GPS coordinates and photos of their ancestor's burial locations.

My family purchased a home site in the Appalachian Foothills of Adams County, Ohio in 2020. Smith Ridge Farm allows me a creative outlet to share my passions with others through merchandise. It also allows my family to grow heirloom vegetables and herb plants to help others jump-start their gardens. We offer fresh veggies and herbs, dried herbs, and homemade treats made with organically grown ingredients from our garden.

Thank you for finding me and I hope to hear from you soon!

God bless, Sherri

    Sherri is the founder of SherriFowler.com and the co-founder of SmithRidge.farm.

    Since 1991 she has provided business services to small business owners nationwide while increasing their revenue and sustainability. Since 2015 she has provided genealogy services to enthusiasts and specializes in Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia ancestral lines.

    Since 2020 Smith Ridge Farm has been home to Sherri and her Husband and their multiple, small businesses.

    The farm sells heirloom vegetable plants and herbs to jump-start gardens, fresh vegetables, and herbs during season, dried herbs, and homemade treats made from the ingredients organically grown on their farm.

    The farm allows Sherri a creative outlet to share her passions. Her designs are meant to bring joy and a smile when they're looked at, worn, or gifted to others. View collections of #SpiritualLife, #SaveOurCemeteries, #BusinessLife, #GenealogyLife, and #SpiritOfAmerica.